Who are STA?
Did you know that all students at the University of Agder are members of the Student Organization of Agder (STA)?
Membership also applies to most student activities and academic associations. In this way, STA binds all students together, with the goal of creating the best possible student life.
STA works for the students' academic, social and economic interests. This means, for example, that teaching should be of high quality. It also means that no student at UiA should feel excluded or bullied, and that STA works to ensure that it is possible to live as a full-time student on funds from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund. In addition, STA safeguards student democracy at UiA. The STA board is elected by the Student Parliament, and is responsible for implementing the policies adopted by the Parliament.
Are you unhappy with the opening hours in the canteen, or that a compulsory study trip costs money?
Get in touch with us and we'll fight for the students' cause!