Årets studentvalg holdes 22.mars til 31.mars 2023

This year’s student elections will take place between 22nd of March until 31st of March 2023– for English version see below!

This year’s student elections to the boards of the university’s faculties, the Teacher Education Unit and the School of Business and Law, AND to the Student Parliament will take place between 24th of March and 04th of April 2025.  

·         The Student Parliament – det øverste organet til Studentorganisasjonen i Agder (STA). Studentparlamentet behandler saker som omhandler studentenes velferd, økonomiske, sosiale og faglige aspekter. Det velger også representanter til alle råd, styrer og utvalg ved UiA og STA


·         Til fakultetsstyrene/avdelingsstyret – det øverste organet til fakultetene, lærerutdanningene og Handelshøyskolen ved UiA. Fakultetstyrene og avdelingsstyret har et overordnet ansvar for at virksomheten ved fakultetenes og lærerutdanningene holder høy kvalitet.

Kandidater kan stille til valg innen 08.mars!

Det er frivillig å stille til valg. Alle studenter ved UiA som har semesterregistrert seg kan stille til valg og stemme.
Kandidatskjema finner du her: Kandidatskjema-SP-valg  
Funksjonstiden for studentrepresentantene i begge valg er 01.07.2023– 30.06.2024.

Important dates:

·         08.februar – 08.mars: Periode for å fremme kandidater

·         08.mars kl. 14.00: Frist for å klage på manntallet

·         22.mars kl. 10.00 – 31. mars kl. 14.00: Valgperiode, elektroniske valg

Voting - and being registered to vote

Selve valget holdes holdt elektronisk i stemmeperioden 22.mars kl. 10.00 til 31.mars kl. 14.00. Du går direkte inn i stemmerommet: https://valg.usit.no/valg/login.do
Du kommer også til stemmerommet via nettsidene til STA: https://stastudent.no/

Sjekk manntallet

Du må være semesterregistrert og stå i manntallet for å stemme. NB: Du er selv ansvarlig for å sjekke manntallet. Det gjør du direkte i stemmerommet, her: https://valg.usit.no/valg/login.do
Du kan sjekke manntallet fra og med nå til og med 08.mars. Eventuelle klager på manntallet må sendes til valgstyret ved UiA ved elin.gauslaa@uia.no SENEST 08.mars.

These are to be elected:

Faculty of Social Sciences::

·         Til fakultetstyret: To representanter (en fra hvert kjønn) og to vararepresentanter (en fra hvert kjønn).

·         Til Studentparlamentet: Fire representanter og fire vararepresentanter. OBS: De som får flest stemmer – uavhengig av kjønn – velges.


Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences::

·         Til fakultetstyret: To representanter (en fra hvert kjønn) og to vararepresentanter (en fra hvert kjønn).

·         Til Studentparlamentet: Fire representanter og fire vararepresentanter. OBS: De som får flest stemmer – uavhengig av kjønn – velges.

Faculty of Humanities and Education::

·         Til fakultetstyret: To representanter (en fra hvert kjønn) og to vararepresentanter (en fra hvert kjønn).

·         • To the Student Parliament: Three representatives and three substitutes

Faculty of Fine Arts:

·         Til fakultetstyret: To representanter (en fra hvert kjønn) og to vararepresentanter (en fra hvert kjønn).

·         • To the Student Parliament: Two representatives and two substitutes

Faculty of Engineering and Science:

·         • To the Faculty Board: Two student representatives (both sexes must be represented) and two substitutes (both sexes must be represented)

·         Til Studentparlamentet: Fire representanter og fire vararepresentanter. OBS: De som får flest stemmer – uavhengig av kjønn – velges.

Teacher Education Unit:

·         To the Faculty Board: Two student representatives (both sexes must be represented) and two substitutes (both sexes must be represented)

·         Til Studentparlamentet: Fire representanter og fire vararepresentanter. OBS: De som får flest stemmer – uavhengig av kjønn – velges.

School of Business and Law:

·         Til fakultetstyret: To representanter (en fra hvert kjønn) og to vararepresentanter (en fra hvert kjønn).

·         Til Studentparlamentet: Fire representanter og fire vararepresentanter. OBS: De som får flest stemmer – uavhengig av kjønn – velges.

Question about the elections?

Spørsmål om studentvalget rettes fortrinnsvis til Studentorganisasjonen i Agder (STA) – til STA-leder William T. Svendsen på staleder@uia.no eller 923 51 334.

At your faculty/unit/school you may also ask:

·         • Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences: Irene Gundersen - irene.gundersen@uia.no

·         • Faculty of Engineering and Science: Geir Kløkstad -  geir.klokstad@uia.no               

·         Faculty of Humanities and Education: Line Frøysaa Eriksen - Line Frøysaa Eriksen – line.f.eriksen@uia.no

·         • Faculty of Social Sciences: Marion Vatnedalen Ekhaugen marion.ekhaugen@uia.no

·         Fakultet for kunstfag: Lars Martin Borgen lars.bogen@uia.no

·         Avdeling for lærerutdanning: Randi Løvdal randi.lovdal@uia.no

·         Handelshøyskolen ved UiA: Helene Hvidberg Jeppestøl helene.h.jeppestol@uia.no


English version:

This year’s student elections will take place between 22nd of March and 31st of March 2023

This year’s student elections to the boards of the university’s faculties, including the Teacher Education Unit and the School of Business and Law, AND to the Student Parliament will take place between 22nd of March until 31st of March 2023  

Candidates must register their names with the Student Organization of Agder (STA) no later than 08th of March 2023. Running is voluntary. Those elected occupy their positions from 01st of July 2023 to 30th of June 2024. You can find more the candidate form here: Kandidatskjema-SP-valg

Important dates:

·         08th of February until 08th of March: Candidates must come forward and enter their names.

·         08th of March, 2 pm.: Last chance to make a complaint if you are not registered on the election roll.

·         22nd of March, 10 am – 31st of March, 2 pm.: The election period. The election will be carried out electronically.

Voting – and being registered to vote

Voting is carried out electronically in the period spanning 22nd of March, 10 am – 31st of March, 2 pm. You enter the voting room directly here: https://valg.usit.no/valg/login.do , or by way of STA’s internet pages here: https://stastudent.no/

NB: In order to vote you must be a registered student registered on the election roll (manntallet).
If you are not registered on the election roll, you will not be able to vote.  You are yourself responsible to check if your name is on the election roll. You can do this until 08th of March, 2 pm. You check your election roll registration in the voting room. You enter the voting room directly here:
https://valg.usit.no/valg/login.do , or by way of STA’s internet pages here: https://stastudent.no/

These are to be elected:

Faculty of Social Sciences:

·         To the Faculty Board: Two student representatives (both sexes must be represented) and two substitutes (both sexes must be represented)

·         To the Student Parliament: Four representatives and four substitutes

Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences:

·         To the Faculty Board: Two student representatives (both sexes must be represented) and two substitutes (both sexes must be represented)

·         To the Student Parliament: Four representatives and four substitutes

Faculty of Humanities and Education:

·         To the Faculty Board: Two student representatives (both sexes must be represented) and two substitutes (both sexes must be represented)

·         To the Student Parliament: Three representatives and three substitutes

Faculty of Fine Arts:

·         To the Faculty Board: Two student representatives (both sexes must be represented) and two substitutes (both sexes must be represented)

·         To the Student Parliament: Two representatives and two substitutes

Faculty of Engineering and Science:

·         To the Faculty Board: Two student representatives (both sexes must be represented) and two substitutes (both sexes must be represented)

·         To the Student Parliament: Four representatives and four substitutes

Teacher Education Unit:

·         To the Teacher Education Unit Board: Three student representatives (both sexes must be represented) and two substitutes (both sexes must be represented)

·         To the Student Parliament: Four representatives and four substitutes

School of Business and Law

·         To the Faculty Board: Two student representatives (both sexes must be represented) and two substitutes (both sexes must be represented)

·         To the Student Parliament: Four representatives and four substitutes

Questions about the elections?

Ask Wiliam T. Svendsen on staleder@uia.no or 923 51 334.  He is the president of the Student Organization of Agder.

At your faculty/unit/school you may also ask:

·         Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences: Irene Gundersen – irene.gundersen@uia.no

·         Faculty of Engineering and Science: Geir Kløkstad –  geir.klokstad@uia.no               

·         Faculty of Humanities and Education: Line Frøysaa Eriksen – line.f.eriksen@uia.no

·         Faculty of Social Sciences: Marion Vatnedalen Ekhaugen – marion.ekhaugen@uia.no

·         Faculty of Fine Arts:  Lars Martin Bogen lars.bogen@uia.no

·         Teacher Education Unit: Randi Løvdal randi.lovdal@uia.no

·         School of Business and Law at UiA: Helene Hvidberg Jeppestøl helene.h.jeppestol@uia.no

Categories: Elections

en_GBEnglish (UK)